Tuesday, February 17, 2015

For this child, I have prayed...

It's been so long coming, but thankful that Adam is here, healthy, & the absolute most precious thing on the planet. My little buddy turned a week old yesterday & already it's going way too fast. I'm going to be guilty of taking way too many pictures, picking him up way too many times, & loving him way too much. But...I think I've earned it. I'm thankful to get to see Alexa, Clay, & Amara thru his eyes.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Look heart...Train wreck ahead

I'll never...
I'll never...
I'll never...
But every single time
I do.

I won't go back...
I won't let them hurt me
I won't be vulnerable...
But every single time
I break that.

When will I learn
That they'll never change...
When will I stop
Allowing my heart to be convinced
That it's going to be different...
I just don't think my heart will ever learn...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Kicks & Giggles :)

Sitting almost literal tears...because baby boy is kicking. No, it doesn't hurt. I'm just so much in awe. I can't believe some days that it's finally happening. It's just beautiful. Thankful

Friday, September 26, 2014

Race Cars & Fighter Planes :)

Well, I was in high hopes for a baby girl this time but alas, the fates have laughed & handed me a boy instead. A very bullheaded, stubborn boy :)

Some days, it seems all so surreal that this is finally really happening. Adam Walker Lee Wyatt will be here sometime around February 15th :) Here's crossing my fingers he stays healthy & comes happy!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Well it's official :)

I am 9 weeks pregnant tomorrow :) After so much trying & failing, the doctors say this could be it. There are no complications so far. I am so excited, past the point of being scared, & just can't thank my stars enough for this chance. I've been busting to tell the world, and since I can't totally do that yet, this'll have to do :)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Cause & Effect

Looking back at that girl in these old pictures, it makes me laugh at how naive & innocent those rose-colored glasses make us. As we get older & we see the world, we are still determined hold on to any shred of hope that the fairytale exists. Atleast until we're pushed too far, too many times.
I used to believe wholeheartedly in monogamy, in true love with one person for the rest of my life. I guess somewhere along the way, I just snapped. I'm not sure I'll ever be okay with monogamy again. Being with one single person, the thought of giving someone else that exclusive open window to rip me apart again, gives me literal hives.
Compliments of the many men who've screwed me over :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

596 :-)

Today makes 596 days that I have been sober. I'm very thankful for that number, when I wasn't sure I'd make it past 2 weeks alive.

2014, so far, has been full of crazy happenings :-) Marley accompanied us to the Mardi Gras pet parade & went apeshit to the noise!! He didn't like it at all. Of course, he's 15+ in human years so I guess it should've been anticipated.

I became the parent to a 3-month-old pitbull pup. I'm not a big fan of dogs, especially not monstrous dogs, one of which he'll grow to be. But as aggrivating as he is and rambunctious to boot, he's another step out of my shell. Tiger is his best bud. Heath-Bug isn't sure what to think of him. Leo doesn't realize they aren't all his size and sometimes I have to push him away when his play gets too rough. Of course, Tiger, even without claws, beats the shit out of him all on his own.

Jake has gotten so big on me. He'll be 5 this year. 
Thankful I can still check up on him, and know how he 
& Livvy are 

I take care of children for a living, and there's never a dull moment. They provide alot of candid photo shoots, off-the-wall questions, and messssssssy art projects. I couldn't make it through a day without them. :-)

After 2 years, I think I've finally found someone to try again with. I'm not going to put the horse before the cart, but I'm trying to keep an open mind and not be so cynical. One thing for sure, he constantly pulls me out of my comfort zone. For me, that's scary, and a bit of a mood-killer. On the other hand, I need it. I need to constantly test those limits or I'll just end up in the same place again.

Yep, 2014 might just be my year :-)