Tuesday, March 11, 2014

596 :-)

Today makes 596 days that I have been sober. I'm very thankful for that number, when I wasn't sure I'd make it past 2 weeks alive.

2014, so far, has been full of crazy happenings :-) Marley accompanied us to the Mardi Gras pet parade & went apeshit to the noise!! He didn't like it at all. Of course, he's 15+ in human years so I guess it should've been anticipated.

I became the parent to a 3-month-old pitbull pup. I'm not a big fan of dogs, especially not monstrous dogs, one of which he'll grow to be. But as aggrivating as he is and rambunctious to boot, he's another step out of my shell. Tiger is his best bud. Heath-Bug isn't sure what to think of him. Leo doesn't realize they aren't all his size and sometimes I have to push him away when his play gets too rough. Of course, Tiger, even without claws, beats the shit out of him all on his own.

Jake has gotten so big on me. He'll be 5 this year. 
Thankful I can still check up on him, and know how he 
& Livvy are 

I take care of children for a living, and there's never a dull moment. They provide alot of candid photo shoots, off-the-wall questions, and messssssssy art projects. I couldn't make it through a day without them. :-)

After 2 years, I think I've finally found someone to try again with. I'm not going to put the horse before the cart, but I'm trying to keep an open mind and not be so cynical. One thing for sure, he constantly pulls me out of my comfort zone. For me, that's scary, and a bit of a mood-killer. On the other hand, I need it. I need to constantly test those limits or I'll just end up in the same place again.

Yep, 2014 might just be my year :-)