Friday, March 2, 2012


Today is one more day closer to my going back to Monroe. Sunday is my last day in Missouri/Arkansas. I'm going to miss the scenery, the hiking trails, the beauty of the land. But my alcoholism has taken over. I've tried for years to beat it on my own, to tame it. With my emotional triggers, it's been hard to stay sober for longer than several months in a four year span. It's just time I hand over control for a little while.

I'll be entering rehab soon, for a year-long treatment it's looking like. So, for my readers, few & far between, just cross your fingers. Say a few mantras & ask the Enlightened One for my healing. I'm going to beat this for good. I don't want to be dealing with all this emotional trauma for the rest of my life. I have 24 years of skeletons to work through. I'll stay writing for as long as I can, but it'll be short-lived. Sending out positive thoughts into the universe for all of you.