Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bucket list item #2

Since life kind've got turned upside down, I realized that I needed to start doing all the things I had either been too afraid to do or never took the time to do..too little, too late on some things though.
In October, I went camping all on my own :) I built a fire by myself & cooked supper over it & OMG it was liberating!
Tonight, I learned how to frenchbraid my own hair!!! Yes it's amazing that at 24-years-old, I finally learned how to do what most girls learned to do in nursery school!! Either way, I'm stoked!! So very proud of myself!!
Friday, I have a singing audition..a REAL singing audition!! I grew up singing on stage, in front of people. But this could actually be my major break!! It's almost euphoric!!!