Tuesday, December 27, 2011

More to scratch off...

Tonight, I crossed off 3 more things from my bucket list...
I went to the Rowdy Beaver to watch the Saints vs Falcons game.
Of course, I'm not a football fan, but I figured I could pretend I knew what was going on. Julio played a great game, and Brees broke the great Dan Marino's passing record.
After the game, there was karaoke. I've been to plenty of places over the years that had karaoke, but I've always chickened out. But tonight I conquered my fear! I sang Pam Tillis' "Spilled Perfume", Lorrie Morgan's "Good As I Was To You", & Reba's "For My Broken Heart". It was so fun.
This guy bought me a beer. I hate beer, but I'd never had a guy buy me a drink. So I let him. But then he tried to convince me that he was what I was missing in my life, and I shut him down fast. Men are not on my list right now. I thanked him for the drink and the twirl around the dance floor. I'd never done that either, but I wish it'd been my snowflake. So many times, I wish it could have been him.
But I had fun. It was a night of firsts of me, and it was awesome!