Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Let It Rain

Monday was my day off, so I decided to have an adventure. :) I hiked down into the sink of the Ruth & Paul Henning Conservation Area up off Shepherd of the Hills & Hwy 76.
The terrain was beautiful. I hung upside down over a canyon with my legs hooked around a tree, trying desperately to get a good picture of a waterfall. I climbed down a very unstable ravine into a gulch to catch another waterfall, and man was it worth it!
I strung up my hammock along the creek bed. I took extra time "chasing rabbits", going off the trail to climb trees and hang off ledges. It was awesome! It felt really good to get out by myself, enjoy the scenery. When I get to work, and have internet access, I'll add some of the other great shots I got. :)

Here we go :)

Natural steps etched out of the rocks

Very romantic :)
I thought they looked like Pterodactyl wings without all the flesh...wierd, yes, i know

SERIOUSLY!?!? What about this beautiful tree says "stick your gum on my trunk"??? Dumb-asses

Yes, that's me, hanging upside down to get this halfway decent shot
I scaled down this very unstable rock formation into the gulch. I WAS going to get that waterfall, even if it killed me. lol
Of course, my luck would be that none of the pictures turned out too good

The creek bed was dry in some places, but others were overflowing with beauty
This one takes my breath away

I think this is supposed to be moss...but it made me think of Avatar with the weird coloring
Lake Taneycomo
This one turned out pretty good

I tried so hard to get the perfect shot of this one.
a quarter of a rainbow ;)
Took these next few pictures with my ASUS...That 5mp camera did better than I thought it would