Sunday, January 8, 2012


I can't sleep. Too much running through my head. I'm sure everyone has nights like that when they just can't get comfy, can't seem to shut their brain down. I've had alot of it lately.
Tiger & Trouble don't help matters, chasing each other across me all night long. Wish I had some catnip to douse them with.
Trying to think of things I've never done before, that maybe I've been too scared to do, and than put them to paper. In the last 4 months, more or less, I've just documented them as they've come to me. But maybe I need to have a physical list. Not that I guess it matters all that much, because I really have nothing to prove to anyone but myself.
The quote from my earlier post "Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone", that quote just speaks on so many levels. It's like a teensy weensy Bob Barker steps out of my ear onto my shoulder and says this over and over. It's tough to hear sometimes, because I know I'd be so much more comfortable in that old mindset. I could stay wrapped in my little coccoon, and let the world pass me by. But I would never be happy. I wasn't always okay with that mindset, and I'm determined to never be again.
Life is way too short for me to sit here, waiting for the world to change. So it's become my new philosophy that since it won't change, it'll just have to accept me as I am or get the hell out of my way. I've always been a compassionate, loving, loyal person to a horrible fault. Those qualities are always my undoing, my death sentence. I don't believe it's in my best interest to allow that anymore. So I've drawn the line. No one crosses. I never want to feel such pain again. No regrets.
I'm so looking forward to the zipline next week. Everyone says it's a rush, and after the Barn Swing at Silver Dollar City, I'm sure I can face anything. :)