Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Bonds of Matrimony

You stand up in front of friends & family, facing this person that you are promising to love, to cherish, for time & all eternity. And you might wait a few months, maybe even years, but eventually you start testing boundaries, your limits. Why? Why would you want to run the risk of ruining a happy marriage to a woman you obviously love? Or say you are no longer happy, man or woman, why the hell would you not respect that other person enough to atleast secure a divorce first? At one time or another, you had to have loved them.
This post is an extension of a FB note I wrote a few years back about a man I was seeing and broke it off with, only to find out some time later that he had been married at the time. If I hadn't felt bad enough about it already, it came to light that I was not the only one he was seeing at one time. There were, in fact, 2 others besides his wife. That was not my proudest moment.
Recently, a new aquaintance asked if he could come over. I knew he was married, so I stipulated we could talk outside. Men and women often seek me out to talk, about relationship problems & just other things they have going on. He had never given me any reason to think he was less than honorable in his intentions. We sat outside and talked for a bit, but than he made a move. I shot him down, told he should be ashamed of himself.
Long story short, he used God to justify why he didn't cheat on his wife. When I know good and well if I hadn't backed away, he would have taken it further. He wouldn't have stopped if I'd had any less respect for myself, allowing myself to be 'the other woman'.
It just makes me sick. Because I said NO, he is going to attribute his not cheating to God intervening. That's bullshit. Can we not take responsibility for our own actions? And than what chaffed my ass even more over the whole thing was, after he'd left, he posts on his FB, saying how much he loves his wife & how she has God in her heart, when just 10 minutes earlier he was pretty much game to betray her. AHHHHHHH!!!!
Now, more than ever, I'm so glad I'm done with men.