Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mr. Darcy

I found a saved comment/note conversation off a friend's facebook from a few years back. I didn't even know I'd saved it, but it means so much to find it now. It was in response to a rant about Mr. Perfect...

"You can't really expect to sit back and point fingers and say why arn't there more "Perfect Guys" out there? Why arn't there more perfect girls out there? I have found my perfect girl. My Ms Perfect. Maybe she's not to everyone, but in my eyes she is. She's not obsessive over being perfect in every way, the only reason a guy wants a perfect barbie doll is just to play with her and to show her off. My Ms Perfect has done just what I said above, she stands on her own scales and tries to improve herself. It's not a 5 star 5 course meal, but damn its good and I couldn't ask for anything more and coudn't be happier sitting across from her eating my chillie nachoes dinner :)"

Where did that opinion of me change? Where, along the way, did I lose myself? I just don't know. Well, if nothing else, this gives me more of a resolve to do better this year. I want to be completely independent, without any need of anything from anyone. I've got to stand on my own, and I'll be that girl again. If for no other reason than to be proud of myself. C'est la vie.