Saturday, January 21, 2012

I AM the Lion Biotch!

Totally came up with that title just now, sitting here on the bed, when a cat fight broke out between Tiger & Trouble. Poor Tiger with no claws, all he has to fight with is his teeth & boy does he use them. He rules the roost & he knows it. :)
I can't sleep. I can't most nights these days. I have to be back at work in a few hours & I'm still wide awake.
In an effort to keep my mind on happier things & off of where my mind wanders when it's idle, I'm trying to come up with things to add to my bucket list.
I went on an outing this week, taking pictures of some amazing places. To kill time, I wandered into the Bass Pro Outpost in Downtown Branson. It's no comparison to the awesomeness that is the flagship store in Springfield, but I had an idea. :) Funny how that happens :p
Anyway, the idea was that I need to fish. Yes yes, I can hear the snickers. I know HOW to fish, but I want to learn to scale & clean them myself. I want to learn how to filet them myself too. :) I know it probably sounds absurd but o well. It's now on the list.
I want to learn to change my own oil. I want to learn to fix my own car. Silly, huh? Well, I think that I need to have these goals, to prove to myself that I'm totally fine on my own. That I don't need anybody's help, and I don't need anyone to complete me. I complete me.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
~Lao Tzu

I'm getting into painting. I'm no Monet but it's not half bad. :) I've started experimenting with charcoal. It hasn't been half bad either, but I'll keep working at it. For Christmas, I did a birdhouse. I thought it turned out pretty good. I hope the special people that recieved it as a gift get many years of use out of it.
I currently have 3 crochet projects in the works, ironically all blankets. I guess it's a testament to how much I "chase rabbits", because I can't ever finish a full project before starting another. But I'm working on staying focused with it.
I want to use my next decently temperatured off-day to go down to the Conservation Area on Shepherd of the Hills & hike the trail. It winds down for miles through the hills. I think the pictures alone would be well worth it, but I really want to find a place to hang up the ENO! Hoping that I can scout out a place for when it warms up a bit. There's also a place called Dogwood Canyon down towards the ARK line, that is supposed to have some amazing landscapes and scenery. I can't wait to take pictures.
That's another thing. I can't seem to get enough pictures. I critique them, take a million shots of the same thing. Change angles, try again. I think that is the thing I hate most, but cherish more then anything. It keeps a part of home close to my heart.
I think I'm going to try to sleep now. I've got about 3 1/2 hours till I have to be up for work, so goodnight. I'm sure my devoted dropper-by's from Russia will enjoy this rambling post. :) Maybe one day I'll get real traffic.