Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

I found a graphic with the titled quote on Facebook. The page is titled "One Thought", and they have alot of interesting and true things to say.
This one hit home for me. It really describes what I want for my life in 2012. I want to live on the edge of my comfort zone. I no longer want to have my future dictated by fear. I can be cynical about relationships and love, but I don't fear it. I can be antsy about hooking onto that beltline and riding through the canopy, but I will not fear it. I can be nervous about auditioning for a part in one of the shows here, but I will embrace it. And it might scare the shit out of me to move to Monterey, but I will push past it.
I look back over this last year, and so many things have changed. So many things are different. That's no different than any other year. My life is never the same. It's constantly changing. My resolution this year is to do what makes me happy, and live at the edge of my comfort zone. I've done so many cool things in my life so far, I've known love at it's deepest, felt pain that cut to my inner being, and amazingly here I am. I'm still alive, still warring within to stay positive and struggling to NEVER regret anything.
A year ago, I was living on one of the most beautiful islands in the world. I had it all. I had a man I loved beyond any wording the dictionary in any language could conjure. We would go night fishing out at Ono, have breakfast at the Affle Waffle, spend whole days walking around Old Time. That was the life. :)
This next year will be the continuation. He's never far from my mind, but I'm using those memories to push me forward. Hello 2012 and the era of being good to myself.